Monday 8 July 2013

Snowflake, The White Gorilla / Copito de nieve (2011); family comedy film review

Poster artwork for the animated family comedy film Snowflake, The White Gorilla (Copito de nieve).

Adventurous Albino by Linh

Snowflake the white gorilla, who died from skin cancer in 2003, was reportedly the world’s only albino gorilla. In 1966, a baby male albino gorilla was found clutching to his mother’s neck after she was shot dead by farmer Benito Mañé in Equatorial Guinea. An ape specialist named Jordi Sabarter Pi saw the white baby gorilla and bought it from Mañé, to live at the Barcelona Zoo. However, very little was known about white gorillas, so the baby gorilla was sent to live with a surrogate human family, to study how it interacts and socialises. The baby gorilla was given the name Snowflake after international media began coverage of his first appearance at the Barcelona Zoo.

Photograph of the real Snowflake taken before his death in 2003 at the Barcelona Zoo. Image: Bret Arnett.
Snowflake, The White Gorilla is a Spanish hybrid live action and animated family comedy inspired by the true story of the world’s only albino gorilla. The film opens in 1966, with the murder of Snowflake’s mother and other black gorillas in a forest of Equatorial Guinea, then swiftly moves to him being placed in the care of ten year old Paula (Claudia Abate) and her parents for five months. During this time, Paula teaches Snowflake to read, use sign language and to play football (as in soccer and not Australian Rules/Rugby). Snowflake (voiced by Benjamin Nathan Serio) develops a love of yoghurt and Paula packs some into his satchel when he leaves them to live at the Barcelona Zoo. 

Snowflake is an instant hit with the visitors/touristsarrives at the Zoo, but he is not at all popular with the alpha male black gorilla named Ron (voiced by Constantino Romero). Ron dislikes Snowflake’s whiteness and he threatens Snowflake, warning him to stay away from his daughter Ndengue and son Kiddo. However, Ndengue becomes Snowflake’s best friend and he also befriends a philosophical red panda named Ailur (Carlos Latre) with Buddhist beliefs. Ailur believes he has the soul of a black panther born into the body of a red panda and he meditates a few times during the day. When Snowflake discovers the Northern Witch (Elsa Pataky) is in town for one day only, he enlists the help of Ailur to visit her so she can turn him into a black gorilla and Ailur into a black panther. Meanwhile, a cruel and jinxed man named Luc De Sac (Pere Ponce) is plotting to kill Snowflake for his heart, to cure him of his life-long bad luck. When Paula realises Snowflake has escaped the Zoo and about Luc De Sac’s plans, she and her friend Leo (Joan Sulla) try to stop him.

MAGICAL MISSION: Snowflake (Benjamin Nathan Serio) and Ailur (Carlos Latre) are seeking the magic witch to transform them in the film Snowflake, The White Gorilla (Copito de nieve). Image: Filmax International.

The mix of live action and computer generated imagery, along with some animatronics makes this film a visual treat for audiences of all ages. Aspects of the true story of Snowflake have been altered for entertainment and creative purposes, yet it still is a beautifully told narrative about friendship, acceptance and being/looking different. Snowflake, The White Gorilla is a wonderful tribute to the real Snowflake who brought much joy to everyone who has visited Barcelona Zoo during his lifetime.

JUST JINXED: Luc De Sac (Pere Ponce) plots to capture and kill Snowflake in the film Snowflake, The White Gorilla (Copito de nieve). Image: Filmax International.

Director: Andrés G. Schaer

Writers: Amelia Mora, Albert Val

Cast: Claudia Abate, Joan Sulla, Pere Ponce, Elsa Pataky, Rosa Boladeras, Felix Pons Ferrer, Mercé Comes, Elsa Anka, Anna Gras, Pau Vinyals, Pablo Vazquez, Benjamin Nathan Serio (voice), Constantino Romero (voice), Carlos Latre (voice)

Producers: Julio Fernández, Gemma Larrègola , Jordi Roigé, Maria Sabucedo, Carlos Fernández, Alberto Marini, Alberto Neira

Original Music Composer: Zacarias M. De la Riva

Cinematographer: Sergi Bartroli

Film Editor: Alex de Molina

Production Designer: Silvia Steinbrecht

Costume Designer: Mario Engo

Language: Spanish with English subtitles

Running Time: 1 hour and 30 minutes.

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